🤝 Select your meeting interests

Matchmaking and Review your picks

After confirming your Schedule (Meeting Availability), the Matchmaking and Interests pages become visible.


The Matchmaking page is for participants to select a specific number of:

  • Top Picks (who you want to meet with the most) - this number is based on the exact number of meetings agreed to attend (Buyer) or number of purchased meetings (Solution Provider).
  • Picks (who you'd like to meet with, in case your Top picks aren't available) - this number is three times the number of meetings agreed to attend (Buyer) or number of meetings you have purchased (Solution Provider).

For Buyers:

  • If you have agreed to attend 8 meetings you can select 8 Top Picks and 24 Picks.
  • If you have agreed to attend 12 meetings you can select 12 Top Picks and 36 Picks.

For Solution Providers (Sponsors):

  • For example if you have purchased 10 meetings you can select 10 Top Picks and 30 Picks.

The platform is double opt-in and anti-spam, meaning both parties have to agree for a meeting to be confirmed.

On the Matchmaking page, you will be able to select:

  • Top Picks - Participants you most want to meet
  • Picks - Participants you would like to meet
  • Not Interested - Participants you would prefer not to meet
    • Note: If you don't want to meet a participant, you can select X on their card to remove them from the list. You will only be matched with your Top Picks and Picks, so you don't need to mark any companies as Not Interested unless you want to.

Click the funnel icon to see matchmaking filters that allow you to refine the displayed participants based on specific criteria. 

Choose your criteria and click SAVE.

Review your selections

After you have made your request you can progress to the Review Picks section where you can review your own selection and see who has requested to meet you. You can accept or decline these requests.

Review Picks page will show the following categories:

  • Interested in meeting with you - These are the participants who want to meet with you.
  • Your meeting interests - Who you've selected on the Matchmaking page as Top Picks or Picks that you want to meet with
  • Your mutual meeting interests - These are the participants who want to meet with you and you want to meet with them!
  • Not Interested - These are Participants you have indicated you don't want to meet with. They won't know you've selected them as Not interested.

Your Market Connect Meeting schedule will be published to you between October 14th and 16th. You will be able to view your Market Connect Meeting schedule in the main HLTH event app, you can also sync your meetings with your own personal calendar (read more here).

Complete Matchmaking

Once you've reviewed your picks and are happy with your selections, the last step is to submit your matchmaking requests by clicking the COMPLETE MATCHMAKING button.

Note: If you select fewer meetings than your total threshold of meetings, you will not be able to complete the matchmaking process.

After completing your matchmaking, you will see the following message: 

✅ Good to know

  • Once you've completed your matchmaking, you can come back into the HLTH Hub at any time while the matchmaking is open (until October 11th) to review or change your selections.
  • If you don't select enough Top Picks & Picks, as long as you've confirmed your profile details, you'll still get all your meetings scheduled, but you'll have less meetings with people you want to meet with.
  • All matches matchmaking selection must be made before midnight October 11th. At this point no more matches can be made. Our AI algorithm will take charge and over the next few days will schedule your meetings. You will receive a notification when your schedule is ready to view.
  • Your Market Connect Meeting schedule will be published to you between October 14th to 16th. You will be able to view your Market Connect Meeting schedule in the main event app, you can also sync your meetings with your own personal calendar.

Watch the full training webinar

Since this is a new platform for everyone, we will be running two helpful tutorial webinars:

  • for Solution Providers (Sponsors) on Wednesday, September 18th
  • for Buyer (Participants) on Thursday, September 19th

If you haven't received the webinar invitation one week before the dates mentioned above, please check your spam folder or contact the Market Connect team marketconnect@hlth.com

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