πŸ•œ Schedule your availability

Remember, you won't be able to view the Schedule page until you've first viewed your Profile and confirmed you've seen it by clicking the SAVE & NEXT button.

Schedule Page

After confirming your Profile, navigate to the Schedule page. Here you can block out times when you're not available to meet.

Any meeting slot that you select as Not Available will not have Market Connect meetings scheduled during these times.

  • You can block out times you don’t want to have meetings scheduled by clicking on a specific meeting slot.
  • When a meeting slot is clicked, the meeting slot will display to the user Not Available and change color from blue to purple.
  • To remove a Not Available selected slot, click on the slot again.


βœ… Good to know

  • Each meeting slot represents one meeting time of 15 minute meeting + 5 minute break = 20 minute meeting slots.
  • The more meeting slots you block out, the lower your chances are of meeting with your top choices, so try to be as flexible as possible.
  • You won't be able to block out more slots than your number of meetings. For example, if you have 15 meetings, you must leave at least 15 meeting slots available.
  • For Solution Providers (Sponsors) the meeting slots are for your entire teams' availability. So, if you have 3 attendees from your company participating in the Market Connect Program, only block out a meeting slot that no one is available.
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