❓Frequently Asked Questions

The HLTH Market Connect Program is at the heart of healthcare innovation, making it easy to build meaningful connections through carefully arranged 15-minute, one-on-one meetings. This platform brings together key players from across the health ecosystem — including payers, providers, employers, pharma, and life sciences — to create personalized networking opportunities that are crucial for the success of HLTH.

Here you will find some frequently asked questions.If the answer to your question is not covered, please send us an email at marketconnect@hlth.com.

Will I miss any agenda sessions while I am attending my Market Connect Program meetings?

You are in full control of your schedule. You can block our time slots in which you are unavailable and wish to attend agenda sessions.

Can a colleague join my meetings?

No. You cannot bring any colleagues to your meetings. These meetings are one-to-one, and the tables will be set with only two chairs - one for the buyer and one for the solutions provider.

Is there time in between each meeting?

Yes. Each meeting takes up to 15 minutes following the 5 minute transition period between each meeting for buyers and solutions providers to move from one meeting table to the another. The tables are all in the same area.

What if the Solutions Provider does not show up for a scheduled meeting?

Buyers will not be penalized for 'no show' solutions providers. If a solutions provider does not arrive within 5 minutes of the scheduled start time of the meeting, the meeting will still count towards your free ticket and (for 12 meeting requirements) your travel/hotel reimbursement.

Can I contact a Solution Provider directly to request a different meeting time?

No. Market Connect meetings must be rescheduled only by contacting the Market Connect team marketconnect@hlth.com. These meetings must take place in the designated Market Connect Program area and at the assigned table. Your meetings will only be scheduled during the specific Market Connect Program time slots, so please plan accordingly.

What if a Solutions Provider reaches out to me regarding the Market Connect Program prior to the HLTH event?

We have asked Solutions Providers not to reach out to Buyers regarding Market Connect Program meetings prior to the event. If a Solutions Provider does contact you directly about the Market Connect Program, please let us know right away by emailing us at marketconnect@hlth.com

What if I attend HLTH but do not complete any of my scheduled meetings?

If you pick up your badge onsite or otherwise attend HLTH but do not complete your scheduled meetings, we will (a) not be responsible for any costs associated with your travel or hotel, and you will not receive any reimbursement, and (b) you will be invoiced for your ticket per the authorisation you agreed to at the time of registration. Failure to complete the required meetings will disqualify you for the Market Connect Program for one or more future years.

How do I book my travel?

You are responsible for making your own travel and accommodation arrangements to attend HLTH. You can book an onsite hotel room in our dedicated room blocks here. Please refer to the cancellation policy shown for your chosen hotel, as these may vary. We do not guarantee the availability of our hotel room block, and recommend you book early.

What happens if I need to cancel or withdraw?

If Buyer is approved for the Market Connect Program but becomes unable to participate, they agree to suggest one or more substitutes from their organization as their replacement in the Program. 

Acceptance of any substitute is subject to our prior approval via email. If Buyer cancels your participation in the Market Connect Program and is not able to provide a substitute approved by us, this may result in you being placed on a blocklist that will prevent you from qualifying for HLTH’s Market Connect Program for one or more future years.

What do I do if my employer changes?

If participants (a) are no longer employed by, or (b) become aware prior to HLTH that they will no longer be employed at the time of HLTH or after HLTH by the organization based upon which they were approved to participate in the Market Connect Program, they must let us know immediately upon their becoming aware so that we can cancel their participation in the program.  In such cases, they may no longer be eligible to participate in the program or to receive a travel/hotel reimbursement or complimentary HLTH ticket. Failure to notify HLTH will prevent you from qualifying for the Market Connect Program for one or more future years.

At all times, including following HLTH, we reserve the right to only communicate with them at their work email address regardless of any other email address they may have provided or we may have otherwise used.

Can I access the Market Connect matchmaking platform via the HLTH event app?

No. The Market Connect matchmaking platform (called the HLTH Hub) is separate to the HLTH event app. The HLTH Hub can be accessed via a web browser at https://hub.hlth.com.

How are matches made?

The Market Connect Program is based on double opt-in matchmaking where participants select their choices of who they want to meet using our custom built matchmaking platform, called the HLTH Hub. Once you select your choices, our algorithm does the rest, generating your meetings based on mutual interest, availability, and preferences.

How can I obtain Buyer contact information?

To be compliant with security/privacy laws and guidelines, we do not provide the contact details for participating Market Connect. We bring together both buyers and sponsors as a 1:1 networking opportunity for both sides to vet each other and gauge potential synergies. Should there be a mutual desire to chat again in the future, the goal for these meetings for both sides is to secure contact information and another meeting. 

In some cases, either or both sides may not want to meet again, so we encourage both sides to exchange contact info over the chat on the platform or during their meeting itself. In-app messaging is only available for meetings that have been confirmed.

I can’t see every company attending HLTH events on the HLTH Hub matchmaking platform.

Only companies which are taking part in the Market Connect Program will be visible to you in the Market Connect matchmaking platform (called the HLTH Hub).

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