Speaking at HLTH 2024 - Insights speakers

We’re excited that you’ll be speaking at HLTH 2024 in Las Vegas! The enclosed information should help answer any questions you may have about what to expect.

Conference Dates: Sunday, October 20th - Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Where: The Venetian Expo - Las Vegas, NV

Next Steps:

  1. Submit Onboarding Materials: We will need the Speakers’ headshot, display name, cancellation policy acknowledgment, etc., prior to the conference to confirm participation. Materials should be submitted via the Speaker Onboarding form within 1 week of acceptance. The information submitted via this form will be used to display Speaker information on conference materials. You can make edits to submitted information, but once a headshot is submitted it is considered final. If you are having issues accessing the form please contact nicole@hlth.com.

  1. Registration: Speakers (which includes Moderators) receive complimentary registration for the full conference. Once a Speaker’s information is formally submitted they are all set. No further action is required to register - we have it handled! Registration includes access to all sessions, exhibit hall, meal functions, public receptions, and the digital platform. If a Speaker registered for the event before being accepted to the program and is seeking a registration transfer, they should reach out to info@hlth.com for assistance. Speakers do not receive additional complimentary passes as part of their speaking engagement at HLTH. Exceptions can be made for professional security personnel with advanced notice.
  2. Book Hotel Accommodations:Anyone looking to book accommodations through the official HLTH hotel block can follow this link. We recommend reserving your room as soon as possible. The room block officially closes on 9/22, or when inventory runs out. We recommend staying at The Venetian, but Speakers are not obligated to stay within the HLTH room block. HLTH does not reimburse for travel or accommodation.
  3. Post on Social Media:We ask all speakers to post about their participation on social media! Personalized co-marketing graphics will be linked here once they are ready. Please use our official hashtag #HLTH when posting. If you do not see your name in the drop down menu, our team is still working on finalizing your unique caricature. It will appear once it’s ready.
  4. Share Discount Code with Others:Speakers do not receive additional complimentary passes as part of their participation at HLTH but we welcome them to share the code 24HLTH_SPKG_250 with anyone that would like to attend the event! Anyone that uses the code will receive $250 off of their registration. Ticket prices increase as the event gets closer, so we recommend that they register early to take advantage of reduced pricing.

Closer to the Event:

Preparation: Preparation will vary by session format. The HLTH Content Team will reach out to speakers & their teams approximately 6-8 weeks ahead of the event to schedule a call or share more information.

  • Panel sessions will have a 45 minute prep-call to virtually connect with fellow panelists, coordinate discussion points, and go over logistical details. We kindly request all speakers to participate, as these calls tend to be most effective when everyone is present and engaged.
  • Presenters will receive a detailed email with instructions on presentation parameters/upload process (if applicable) and information as to what to expect onsite.

Calendar Invites: Speakers & their teams will receive a detailed calendar invite from the HLTH Team a couple weeks prior to the event. This invite will let you know where and when to be onsite. We ask speakers to join us in the Speaker Lounge 45 minutes prior to your session. The calendar invite will include Speaker Lounge location, session details, a map of the venue, and HLTH Content team phone numbers.


Badge Pickup: Speakers can utilize the VIP Speaker Lounge Badge Pickup line at the registration desk to pick up their badge. A detailed email will be sent closer to the event along with a registration QR code.

Check-in at Speaker Lounge: Speakers should meet in the Speaker Lounge 45 minutes ahead of their session start time. They have exclusive access to our Speaker Lounge during the duration of the conference. The lounge will have dedicated staff with light refreshments and a baggage check. There will also be an AV staff member available to help with last minute, critical, presentation changes, as applicable.

We kindly ask Speakers to limit the number of team members that they bring into the lounge. The lounge should not be used as a designated meeting location outside of speakers meeting with their fellow panelists ahead of their session.

Dress Guidelines: Business casual or whatever you are most comfortable in! No suits, ties, or heels necessary. However, we do recommend that you refrain from wearing fine prints as it does not always pick up well on camera. Stages will be elevated. We typically use club chairs without anything in front (i.e., table).

Audience Q&A: Most sessions will have the opportunity for live audience questions.


Session Recording: Sessions are recorded and made available to registrants to watch on demand within the event app approximately 24 hours after the session ends. Sessions will not be live streamed. We can share the recording with you upon request approximately 1 week after the event ends. We welcome you to post clips on social media and credit HLTH while doing so. We kindly ask that you do not share the full recording anywhere.

Session Photos: Photographers will be around the event and capturing most sessions. The HLTH team will be able to share a link to these photographs approximately 3 weeks after the event ends. Outside photography is not permitted without prior consent from HLTH.

General Event Information

Expected Attendance: 12,000+

Audience Makeup: Check out our ‘Who Attends’ page linked here.

General Event FAQ Page: Linked here.

Media Presence: Take a look at media outlets that attended HLTH 2023. The 2024 media list will become available a couple weeks before the event and it will be linked here. This list is only shared with Speakers/Moderators and their teams. We cannot share a list of attendees as part of a speakers’ participation.

Event App: The official HLTH event app is currently set to launch in early October. On the platform you will be able to connect with other attendees via our “HLTH Meetup” feature. We will send you an email once it launches and include directions on how to access it.

Additional Complimentary Passes: Speakers/Moderators do not receive additional complimentary passes as part of their participation at HLTH but we welcome them to share the code 24HLTH_SPKG_250 with anyone that would like to attend the event. Anyone that uses the code will receive $250 off of their registration. Ticket prices increase as the event gets closer, so we recommend that they register early to take advantage of reduced pricing.

Other Ways to Stay Involved:

Sponsoring: Our sales team will be happy to work with you to figure out which opportunity is the best fit for you. If you’re interested in learning more - reach out to our sales team here. Our team will be in touch shortly.

Market Connect: If you or any of your qualifying colleagues would like to participate in our Market Connect program, you can learn more here.

Investor Connect Program: Are you an investor looking to meet with a range of exciting startups? Our Investor Connect curated networking program is the perfect fit for you. Sign up here.

Networking: HLTH hosts a variety of top notch networking events to ensure you leave Las Vegas with new, meaningful connections to help further your personal goals. These events are included in your registration.

For additional information and questions please contact Content@hlth.com.

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